Kidneys play a vital role in waste elimination, blood pressure regulation, and fluid balance maintenance. Various factors can impair kidney function, leading to kidney damage and/or renal failure. Early detection of impaired kidney function is crucial to limit or prevent consequences. Blood and urine tests provide important supplementary information alongside clinical evaluation.
In vitro diagnostics
The following examples illustrate how laboratory testing contributes to the detection, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of reduced kidney function.
In vitro diagnostics
Renal function
Renal function is assessed through blood and urine tests measuring creatinine levels. Creatinine is a waste product from muscle creatine breakdown. Creatine is involved in energy production necessary for muscle function. The kidneys filter creatinine from blood for urinary excretion. Creatinine measurement in blood and/or urine provides a reliable indicator of kidney function.
Creatinine blood test
This test measures blood creatinine levels. Creatinine production depends on body height and muscle mass, resulting in typically higher values for men compared to women and children.
Creatinine urine test
Creatinine clearance indicates the kidneys' ability to filter blood and excrete waste products through urine. A 24-hour urine creatinine measurement provides comprehensive information about kidney function.
Combined creatinine and cystatin C testing
Elderly typically have lower blood creatinine levels due to reduced muscle mass. Including cystatin C measurement alongside creatinine provides more reliable kidney function assessment, particularly in elderly patients.
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Added value
- More certainty
- Better treatment
- Higher quality of life
- More (healthy) life years
Healthcare system
- Cost savings
- Less absenteeism
- Less burdensome for healthcare
- Healthier society
Medical Professionals
- Valuable diagnostic information
- Reliable basis for clinical decisions
- More personalized treatments
- Insight into the effectiveness of treatment